Office 2019 excel
Office 2019 excel

Save the workbook as NP_EX_6_Seacation in the location specified by your instructor. Open the NP_EX_6_4.xlsx workbook located in the Excel 6 > Case1 folder included with your Data Files.

office 2019 excel

You will create a dashboard that will display the answers that Alana needs. The report also must track restocking needs by row number and bin number. Alana wants a report that indicate how many of the warehouse items need restocking and at what cost. At the Seacation warehouses, the products are located by row number and bin number.

office 2019 excel office 2019 excel

Alana uses Excel to help manage the inventory at Seacation warehouses, ensuring that products remain stocked and resupplied on a timely basis. Excel |Module 6 Managing Data with Data Tools Case Problem 1 Data File needed for this Case Problem: NP_EX_6-4.xlsx Seacation Alana Ngata is an inventory manager for Seacation, a major manufacturer and distributor of boating parts and tools.

Office 2019 excel